H2Global Launches Second Green Hydrogen Auction February 28, 2025Africa, Asia, Clean Ammonia, Europe, Germany, Green Hydrogen, Hydrogen, Low-Carbon, The Netherlands, U.S.hlancey@bloomberg.net H2Global earlier this week launched its second green hydrogen procurement (more…)
MOPCO Selects thyssenkrupp for Carbon Capture February 28, 2025Ammonia, Carbon, Clean Ammonia, Egypt, Green Ammonia, Green Hydrogen, Low-Carbon, Natural Gas, Ureahlancey@bloomberg.net Egypt’s Misr Fertilizers Production Co. (MOPCO) has selected thyssenkrupp Uhde (more…)
Ammonia February 28, 2025Ammonia, California, Eastern Cornbelt, Egypt, India, Market Watch, Middle East, Northwestern Europe, Pacific N.W., Southeast Asia, Tampa, Thailand, U.S. Gulf, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net US Gulf/Tampa: The Tampa ammonia price for March was settled (more…)
Urea February 28, 2025Argentina, Black Sea, Brazil, California, China, Eastern Cornbelt, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Market Watch, Mediterranean, Mexico, Middle East, Pacific N.W., Southeast Asia, Thailand, U.S. Gulf, Urea, Western Canada, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net US Gulf: The NOLA urea market was quoted at $390-$395/st (more…)
UAN February 28, 2025California, Eastern Cornbelt, France, Market Watch, Pacific N.W., U.S. Gulf, UAN, Western Canada, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net US Gulf: The NOLA UAN barge market was reported in (more…)
Ammonium Nitrate February 28, 2025Ammonium Nitrate, Market Watch, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net Western Cornbelt: The ammonium nitrate market was steady at $345-$375/st (more…)
Ammonium Sulfate February 28, 2025Ammonium Sulfate, Brazil, California, China, Eastern Canada, Eastern Cornbelt, Market Watch, Mexico, Northwestern Europe, Pacific N.W., Thailand, U.S. Gulf, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net US Gulf: NOLA ammonium sulfate barges were reported in the (more…)
DAP/MAP February 28, 2025Baltic Sea, Benelux, Brazil, California, Central Florida, China, DAP/MAP, Eastern Cornbelt, India, Market Watch, Morocco, Pacific N.W., Pakistan, U.S. Exports, U.S. Gulf, Western Canada, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net Central Florida: Central Florida DAP trucks increased $15/st, to $635/st (more…)
TSP February 28, 2025Brazil, Eastern Cornbelt, Market Watch, Triple Superphosphate, U.S. Gulf, Western Cornbelthlancey@bloomberg.net US Gulf: NOLA TSP barges moved up $5/st at the (more…)
SSP February 28, 2025Brazil, Market Watch, SSPhlancey@bloomberg.net Brazil: SSP imports rose to $220-$230/mt CFR from the week-ago (more…)