Orica ready to start ammonia production February 6, 2012Ammonia, Breaking Industry Newstraceybg@gmail.com Orica said Feb. 5 that it is now ready to (more…)
CVR adopts stockholder rights plan January 17, 2012Breaking Industry Newstraceybg@gmail.com CVR Energy Inc. announced late in the day Jan. 13 (more…)
TFC adds location January 16, 2012News, News Briefstraceybg@gmail.com Hohenwald, Tenn.—The Tennessee Farmers Cooperative (TFC) opened a new location (more…)
Compass points to lower salt sales January 16, 2012Midwest, News, News Briefstraceybg@gmail.com Overland Park, Kan.—Compass Minerals, which owns specialty fertilizer maker Great (more…)
The Week in Fertilizer Stocks January 16, 2012Fertilizer Stockstraceybg@gmail.com The Week in Fertilizer Stocks Producer Symbol Price Week Ago (more…)
SULFUR January 16, 2012Market Watch, Sulfur, Tampa, Vancouver, West Coasttraceybg@gmail.com Tampa: Negotiations for new first-quarter sulfur prices for molten sulfur (more…)
NITROGEN SOLUTIONS January 16, 2012Eastern Cornbelt, Market Watch, Southeast, Southern Plains, U.S. Gulf, UAN, Western Cornbelttraceybg@gmail.com U.S. Gulf: The market began the week with most players (more…)
UREA January 16, 2012Black Sea, Eastern Cornbelt, Market Watch, Middle East, Pakistan, Southeast, Southern Plains, U.S. Gulf, Urea, Western Cornbelttraceybg@gmail.com U.S. Gulf: The granular urea market was building up some (more…)
Howard announces new North Carolina facility January 16, 2012Aurora, NC, Central Florida, Featured, Newstraceybg@gmail.com Howard Fertilizer and Chemical Co. Inc., headquartered in Orlando, Fla., (more…)